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Investor adalah mitra bisnis kami

Anyone can invest with us, as a business partner / business partner, you can determine the place / area that we will establish this business representative, for now only cities / districts throughout Indonesia.

Siapapun dapat berinvestasi bersama kami, sebagai mitra bisnis/ rekanan usaha, anda dapat menentukan tempat/ wilayah yang akan kita dirikan perwakilan usaha ini, untuk sementara ini hanya kota/ kabupaten seluruh Indonesia.




  • 1 business partner package contains all types of businesses that we have.
  • The value of 1 package is USD 100,000 (one hundred thousand dollars).
  • 1 investor can have 1 business partner package or more.
  • 1 business partner package represents 1 (one) city or 1 district.
  • All profits from application sales or transactions that occur in the area, 50% profit sharing for business partners, 50% for companies, after deducting costs incurred, such as employee salaries and others. There will be no hidden income or costs, because all partners will have business development applications in their hands.
  • All employees will be taken from MIT Indonesia graduates
  • So even though there is a sale in Pekanbaru City, but the business is run in another district/city, then the profit returns to point 5 above.


Is this the same as franchising?

It may be the same, but there is one clear difference here, which is that he doesn't need to run the business and he doesn't need to try to increase his sales.

Can this business package be resold?

Yes, the price of the package is conditioned on the price of 1 package at that time. The package price will not be less than the initial price, at least the same. But there is one thing that must be clear from the start, namely: package sales will occur if someone will replace to become a partner in the region.

How, if there is no sale of computer applications/programs or other things in the area?

It is certain, there is a vision for the future that may not be visible on the surface by others, but is visible to us, and God willing, we will be given a way to open it. Doesn't technology continue to develop, together we will empower this appropriately and usefully for each region in Indonesia.

If I am interested in taking several packages for several districts/cities, can I start my business right away?

No, we can't at this time, because the Mattcom Institute is just starting.

Can we book a representative area in advance?

Yes of course.
